The Scottdale Public Library Reading Garden

The Scottdale Public Library Reading Garden
Picture of last years book sale. This year promises to be bigger and better with tons of new children's books!


This week is our last week for the Little Heros, Heros and Tiny Reader's Summer Programs!  In addition to your weekly program, please join us tomorrow, Monday, July 20th at 12:00 for lunch!  We will be serving hot dogs, chips, cookies and drinks!  We look forward to seeing you there!

11:00 Little Heros: Miss Shanna from Parent Wise
12:00 Picnic for all presented by the Friends of the Library
1:00 Heros: That Guy With Birds
3:00 Heroes and Villains:  Identifying Villains

11:00 Tiny Readers

11:00- 1:00 SPC Reading Buddies
3:00  Our LAST movie of the summer- Big Hero VI